Custom robots.txt support? · Issue #3161 - GitHub

The robots.txt file must be located at the root of the website host that it applies to. For instance, to control crawling on all URLs below http ...

Add support for custom sitemap.xml generated by the user #6938

I just realized that having the possibility to customize the robots.txt , you can change the Sitemap: entry in that file to point the robots to ...

TV Series on DVD

Old Hard to Find TV Series on DVD

Avoid having old versions of the docs indexed by search engines

Sorry, something went wrong. @humitos humitos mentioned this issue on Oct 11, 2018. Custom robots.txt support? #3161. Closed. @humitos. Copy ...

Conflict trying to generate custom robots.txt · Issue #8628 - GitHub

I want to adapt the contents of robots.txt . By placing this file in the root of the project I expect it to overwrite the robots.txt that is ...

"robots.txt" not working · Issue #5585 · hashicorp/vault - GitHub

But It's not working because the request for the URI, "/robots.txt", returns 404 error. If "/robots.txt" returns 3XX STATE CODE and the location ...

Reseting robots.txt override doesn't seem to work as expected

It's possible to override robots.txt in /admin/customize/robots (which is linked in the settings). The page provides a form to have a custom ...

Products.CMFPlone 5.1.7 - PyPI

Plone is a user friendly Content Management System running on top of Python, Zope and the CMF. It benefits from all features of Zope/CMF such as: RDBMS ...

Using custom robots.txt · mkdocs mkdocs · Discussion #2822 - GitHub

Hi all! If placing the robots.txt with custom rules to the docs_dir folder, will this custom robots.txt file fully re-write the automatically generated one?

robots.txt support - Read the Docs

The robots.txt files allow you to customize how your documentation is indexed in search engines. It's useful for: Hiding various pages from search engines, ...

Robot.txt and canonical URL - Get Help - Frontity Community Forum

Hello, my client has just put the site live here, and he says that the robot.txt are in noindex, ...